Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My good friend Maggie just gave us the most beautiful Christmas gift I've ever received. I've scanned some of the pages in to share here but it really doesn't compare to holding the lovingly constructed details and textures in your very own hands. You'll have to come over for tea to see our precious art exhibit in person - yes that's a personal invitation!

Here's what we wrote in our Christmas e-letter (if you didn't get it check your spam then send me an email) about our 3 little ones.


We never would have imagined that we would be visited with joy and sorrow three times this year. We cherished our short time with you sweet babies, and ache that you are no longer with us. We await with anticipation our heavenly family reunion.

Addison Gabriel Nathaniel, 2/20/2010 - Addison means son of Adam while his middle names honor two cherished children whose parents chose to value life in the womb: Joel Nathaniel Lubiens and Gabriel Scott Adams.
Casey Nolan Mara, 7/15/2010 - Casey means brave, while Nolan (well known) and Mara (bitter sea) remind us how many have tasted this same sorrow.
Trinity Jehoiada Derek, 10/11/2010 - Trinity reminds us both of God's three fold person as well as our third loss. Jehoiada (God knows) and Derek (the way) remind us that our Lord knew our path even before we walked it.

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” -Ecclesiastes 11:5


  1. What a special remembrance for you and a great friend.

  2. what an amazing and special gift! beautiful way to show you that she remembers and cherishes along with you.

  3. I can hardly see through tears to type this.
    But Julie, this is beautiful. What an incredible testimony of God's faithfulness even in the depths of the dark sea. I am so glad to know your childrens' names. I rejoice that their names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20)!
    And what a truly lovely gift from your friend. It made me speechless.
    We lost three babies in 2009. And we lost three babies again in 2010. That wave upon wave of grief is indescribable. I am so glad your friend is remembering your precious babies with you, and that your children left a legacy behind them that will continue to praise the name of the Lord here while they praise Him in paradise.

  4. That is so special and beautiful. Very well done and arranged.

  5. Julie, what a sweet and beautiful way of remembering God's promises to you, even in sorrow.

  6. How beautiful, Julie!
    I wish I could give you a big hug right now.
    You have me totally blubbering in tears right now. I will always be so honored by yous using Gabriel's name.
    All the names of your babies are beautiful.

  7. What a precious gift from an amazingly thoughtful friend.

  8. It means that your very special to your friend. It's beautiful.

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  9. just beautiful ... what a beautiful friend to honor and cherish you and your children ... and to point you to our great Healer, even in the midst of sorrow and loss. you are LOVED! oxoxoxo
