
Dish Hike

Pete and I took off to Palo Alto this Saturday and enjoyed the recent rash of good weather as we trekked up to the "famous" bay area landmark - the Stanford Dish.

Creme Brule

I just bought a little Creme Brule Kit, complete with butane torch! Our first occasion for use was a little dinner party this week. Despite the creme's stubborn refusal to congeal we had our way with our new browning device in the end :) Who said Creme Bru'Soup was so bad after all???

For geeks like me...

Okay this is for all of us who loved the "how to fold a t-shirt" video... I know you're out there!

The Hole - video powered by Metacafe

The amazing exploding foam latte my husband just made for me :)

Biblical Dinner

Our Bible Study decided to do a traditional biblical meal and seder this year for Maundy Thursday. We were lucky enough to snag Bernard Bell (I think it was the lamb kabobs that finally convinced him;) to give us some guidance on the flow of a traditional seder and instruction on the transformation that Christ brought to the meal during the Last Supper, the night before His crucifixion. He lead us in communion and we had a sweet time of couples washing each other's feet. What a special night!

PBCWG Fiesta

Pete and I were in charge of our churchs' after service meal this week. We fed 100+ happy attenders Mexico Lindo. Yummy!