going into the wine making business

okay, we're not hoping to make a profit here, but it will be nice to drink some stuff we had a hand in, and the calculated cost per bottle is not bad either ;)

Pete and Bernard went a-picking yesterday afternoon.

Then we all gathered a the Bell's to see the results.

thinking lately

Pete and I have been scouring Zip Reality these days... looking at houses we definitely couldn't afford a year ago. When I'm not looking for a new (bigger) house to move into, I'm thinking about what I'd like to do with ours, from smallish (new door) to extravagant (complete re-model). I think I"m thinking about it so much it's even become a source of discontent, when I totally should be soooo overwhelmed with gratefulness for all that I have. I was completely convicted when I read a friend's blog who is living in Africa as a missionary. Reality Check! Definitely worth a read:


all we ever do is eat....

I've just started thin within and am ashamed to say that the only non-vacation pictures I have to post from this summer are of, you guessed it, me over-eating. The irony! Well at least I enjoyed it.
Here I am with Pete at The Left Bank for his birthday.
From Snooling

And then a few days later I was out again, this time with girlfriends. So hungry we were eating with our hands (Ethiopian style).
From Snooling

This is what we had... it was yummy!
From Snooling

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Two new posts over at Handel Travels :)